Dear Hollywood,
Wow, couldn't have been a rougher last several days. Actually, I am fully aware that it could have been worse, so I must continually thank my lucky stars (Mother Mary) for my blessings. I'm not much of a religious man, (having been raised as a lapsed Catholic) but prayer seems to be the only way to find relief from the pressures of everyday life.
As many of you may know, I used to be an actor. I say "used to be" because it has been at least two years since I worked on a set, and I also let my AFTRA membership go bye bye. Still have my SAG membership, however I am not currently represented by a talent agent either.
Here is what I'm looking for:
-A new agent (one who "gets" me, understands my past work, and where I'd like to be in the future)
-Someone to help me put a reel together. I have all of these movies under my belt, but I never really had a clip tape. I'm lazy, and I thought my credits would be enough to get into the casting room, apparently they aren't, so I need a clip dvd.
-Two studio pictures a year, with no less than sixth billing. I don't need big parts to get big laughs, just steady enough exposure so I don't keep hearing the phrase, "So, do you still act?"
-I hate television, but would do guest roles on single camera, scripted shows. No "live" shows or half hour comedies, and no improvisation. I respect the written word, and am looking to work on fully fleshed out ideas, rather than winging it with a bunch of improv artists. Movies are not improv, although 40 Year Old Virgin was great, I'm sure there was a script. I know this is limiting, and the first thing that every potential agent says to me is, "How about tv, sitcoms, pilots, commercials or stand-up?" Most of the time I would like to say, "How about I punch you in the face with my bitter fist?" But usually I insist that this is the canvas that I like to paint on, and the arena that I had most of my success, why not continue towards that goal?
-Around 20 million dollars, so that I can retire and build a movie studio where I can write, direct, shoot and edit low budget, grindhouse pictures for the rest of my life. Maybe pumping out an art picture that "means something" every once in a while.
Is that too much to ask for?
I have tried to not be bitter like most other former child actors are, but it's getting harder and harder each and every day. I have never complained or whined much in the past, but I am ready to let success back into my life, am starting to lose my infinite patience, and am now angry at lost opportunities and past choices. What the heck does a former child actor have to do to get work in this town?
To Harry Gold, I'm sorry for letting you go at the peak of my career. I certainly shot myself in the foot with that move. When I approached you years later, you were no help. I understand you felt burned when I let you go, and I think that if I hadn't listened to Linda Brown and moved over to Innovative Artists, then you and I would still be working together, and things would be quite different than they are now. I'm sorry Harry, but I was just a kid, and I didn't know any better.
I'm looking for my next "Harry Gold". If you are out there, and if you liked my work in the past, I have grown up quite a bit, and am seeking representation.
Looking for help,
Keith Coogan