Saturday, October 27, 2007


Originally uploaded by hollywoodkids

This bitch is about to transform!

This bitch is about to transform!
Originally uploaded by hollywoodkids

You know you've been watching your "Transformers" DVD too much when this truck somehow looks menacing.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Trauma, Turmoil and Challenges

Dear Hollywood,

Wow, couldn't have been a rougher last several days. Actually, I am fully aware that it could have been worse, so I must continually thank my lucky stars (Mother Mary) for my blessings. I'm not much of a religious man, (having been raised as a lapsed Catholic) but prayer seems to be the only way to find relief from the pressures of everyday life.

As many of you may know, I used to be an actor. I say "used to be" because it has been at least two years since I worked on a set, and I also let my AFTRA membership go bye bye. Still have my SAG membership, however I am not currently represented by a talent agent either.

Here is what I'm looking for:

-A new agent (one who "gets" me, understands my past work, and where I'd like to be in the future)
-Someone to help me put a reel together. I have all of these movies under my belt, but I never really had a clip tape. I'm lazy, and I thought my credits would be enough to get into the casting room, apparently they aren't, so I need a clip dvd.
-Two studio pictures a year, with no less than sixth billing. I don't need big parts to get big laughs, just steady enough exposure so I don't keep hearing the phrase, "So, do you still act?"
-I hate television, but would do guest roles on single camera, scripted shows. No "live" shows or half hour comedies, and no improvisation. I respect the written word, and am looking to work on fully fleshed out ideas, rather than winging it with a bunch of improv artists. Movies are not improv, although 40 Year Old Virgin was great, I'm sure there was a script. I know this is limiting, and the first thing that every potential agent says to me is, "How about tv, sitcoms, pilots, commercials or stand-up?" Most of the time I would like to say, "How about I punch you in the face with my bitter fist?" But usually I insist that this is the canvas that I like to paint on, and the arena that I had most of my success, why not continue towards that goal?
-Around 20 million dollars, so that I can retire and build a movie studio where I can write, direct, shoot and edit low budget, grindhouse pictures for the rest of my life. Maybe pumping out an art picture that "means something" every once in a while.

Is that too much to ask for?

I have tried to not be bitter like most other former child actors are, but it's getting harder and harder each and every day. I have never complained or whined much in the past, but I am ready to let success back into my life, am starting to lose my infinite patience, and am now angry at lost opportunities and past choices. What the heck does a former child actor have to do to get work in this town?

To Harry Gold, I'm sorry for letting you go at the peak of my career. I certainly shot myself in the foot with that move. When I approached you years later, you were no help. I understand you felt burned when I let you go, and I think that if I hadn't listened to Linda Brown and moved over to Innovative Artists, then you and I would still be working together, and things would be quite different than they are now. I'm sorry Harry, but I was just a kid, and I didn't know any better.

I'm looking for my next "Harry Gold". If you are out there, and if you liked my work in the past, I have grown up quite a bit, and am seeking representation.

Looking for help,

Keith Coogan

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Large Lizard Spotted In Tree Is One Of Several Terrorizing Neighborhood

You see, in Florida, it's not just the squirrels that attack!

read more | digg story

Exercise Vigilant Shield ’08 slated for October

War games exercise Oct. 15-20 has new details, locations and participants. It will entail some 15,000 people, and will simulate a "truckload of radioactive material" being dispersed in the southwest. Either a show of preparedness, or a cover for something else. Read teh story carefully, it seems like a strike against Iran is now inevitable. VS-08 will be conducted concurrent with Top Officials 4 (TOPOFF 4), the nation’s premier exercise of terrorism preparedness providing an opportunity to participate in a full range of scenarios that will better prepare participants to prevent and respond to national crises. The primary exercise venues include locations in Oregon, Arizona and Guam.

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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Voting Fraud

This is really messed up, please take the 5 minutes it takes to watch this video clip. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

read more | digg story

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Where the Buffalo Roam

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

End of the world

End of the world
Originally uploaded by hollywoodkids

Somehow this signals the final nail in the coffin of our society. A Bratz Shrek synergy.
